I am going to change "minamil" as a prprietorship(one-man business) into the one as a personal project.
English Page is opened.
I have started a proprietorship(one-man business).
I have uploaded my business website.





Activities on Agriculture, Environment, and Life

Now in planning business model for conservating environment and utilization of scenery of mountanious area.

Profile(Feb,1. 2012)

Project nameminamil
Date of LaunchFebruary, 1. 2012
ManagerMINAMI Takaaki

Personal History

1975Born in Nakatsugawa-City, GIFU, JAPAN
I think my interest in agriculture was derived from my experience to help my grand-father to glow rice in paddyfield on aze-nuri, transplanting, harvesting, and datsu-koku etc.
1994Highschool diploma. GIFU Prefectural Ena Highschool
My interest have changed from on literature and foreign culture to on environmental problem, thus, I have aimed to study agriculture.
1999Bachelor of Agricultural Science.(Major: Soil Science) Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University.
Besides studies in Univ, I have committed myself to the activities for recycle and garbage problem of students' lifestyle, I have been interested in interaction of local society and environmental problem.
I have studied soil science, forest science, Ecology and Ecosystem Science in Univ.
2001Master of Agricultural Science (Major: Soil Science), Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
I have committed myself to the fieldwork in mountanious area of Northern Thailand, by weather and soil monitoring using datalogger, analysis on run off generation, in steep sloped cultivated area. And I also have engaged in research on sustainable shifting cultivation in "Karen"'s village. I have become interested in agriculture, especially in that of mountaneous area.
~2006As a staff, I have worked in Local based CSO of MIYAGI Prefecture. I have engaged in Projects of Center for Climate Change Actions which was designated by the governer.
Perspective of Citizen, Enterprize, Local Community, I have become interested in agricultural enterprize management in Japan, especially in mountanious area.
~2011I have worked as a staff for public relations, and legal affairs, in a company dealing mail order, agribusiness and food manufacturing located in IIDA-City, NAGANO. I have become interested in Agribusiness, and Company management and Legal affairs.
2012~I started preprietor minamil
2014~I changed it as a personal project from the one as a one-man business.


  1. Laboratory
  2. Low input sustainable agriculture
  3. Local Community
  4. Literature
  5. Life
  6. Labour Saving
  7. Logistics for travel and sightseeing
  8. Language
  9. Law
  10. Lesson and Study Field
  11. Local Line(railway)
  12. Lecturer

  13.  Business name minamil consist of my family name "minami" and "l" my concern theme above.


Project Nameminamil
E-mailt-minami atmark please change atmark to @ (for the sake of spam block.)